But many first ladies, despite all of their household duties, have played important roles in their husbands' careers and in the life of the nation. Let's look at a few. @Martha @Dandridge @Custis Washington grew up on a large plantation in @Virginia. She had no formal education, for girls in those days were rarely taught outside their own homes. She learned reading and writing from private tutors who came to her. She also had lessons in sewing, housekeeping, cooking, dancing, and music – essential subjects for girls at that time. At 17, she was one of the most popular young ladies in @Williamsburg, and at 18 she married a prosperous planter named @Daniel @Parke Custis. Seven years after their marriage, Custis died, leaving Martha a wealthy young widow with two small children. Martha Custis first met @Colonel @George Washingon a year after her husband's death. They were married in 1759 and settled down at @Mount @Vernon, Washington's plantation. Their gracious, comfortable life was interrupted when Washington was called to head the @Continental Army during the Revolutionary War. During the war years, Lady Washington, as she was called, did not spare herself. She joined her husband at winter headquarters every year for eight winters. She did everything she could to encourage and help the tattered soldiers.